Make it stand out.
Keep Cups
Australian stockists of the cork and glass Keep Cup
KeepCups are a sustainably made reusable glass coffee cup with a cork band, designed to replace the disposable polymer-lined single-use paper coffee cup. If you are interested in lowering your impact on our fragile environment, then these cups are for you. Did you know that coffee cups are estimated to be the second largest contributor to litter waste? it is staggering. What is not commonly known is that these paper cups are not recyclable.By bringing your own coffee cup when ordering take away coffee you will lessen your contribution to landfill.
We are in love with these stylish coffee cups. A treat to drink from, use them with or without the lids. Keep them in your bag, use them for anything you wish! - not just coffee.
The General Gist Store stocks the Keep Cup in Almond, Press, Filter and Rock Salt colours.